BioSelect is one of the largest players in organically grown ware potatoes in the Netherlands. On average an area of approximately 1,500 hectares is farmed organically for ware potatoes in the Netherlands. BioSelect has more than 500 hectares of organically farmed ware potatoes, which is gradually increasing to almost 600 hectares. This means that BioSelect is a very important and reliable player that can guarantee supply.
To guarantee reliability of harvest and sales for both growers and buyers, BioSelect offers our innovative Next Generation varieties. These varieties have late blight resistance, therefore contributing to yield security. Along with the breeding and research farm Agrico Research, we continuously work towards improving our Next Generation varieties.
BioSelect’s wide range of varieties enables us to supply organically grown ware potatoes all year round, ranging from first early, second early, early maincrop, to maincrop. We offer a wide range in all market segments. This is how BioSelect meets the growing market and increasing price.
Our innovative Next Generation varieties are the result of effective breeding by Agrico Research. Late blight is a potato disease that can cause significant damage to the crop. Our Next Generation varieties are highly resistant to late blight and are grown organically. This offers yield security to growers. These varieties contribute to increasing sustainability in the world.
Agrico works with renowned Dutch organic growers. We supply a diverse range of organically grown potatoes for the Retail and Processing sectors.
Do you have a specific question, or would you like to know what Agrico can do for you in terms of organically grown potatoes? Please feel free to contact us.